Saturday, June 25, 2011

On LGBT Rights

Same-sex marriage, an abomination?

MANY FILIPINO CATHOLIC PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOO NARROW-MINDED! Being RELIGIOUS is different from being SPIRITUAL. You can go to church every day and pretend to understand the Word of God, but still be NON-SPIRITUAL!

By Grzegorz Wysocki
RELIGION is a cultural myth! And to you guys quoting verses from the BIBLE??? Know your history! Don't you even know the origins of the Bible? Let us assume God wrote it through human hands. But history would tell you straight in the face that the BIBLE had been EXPURGATED and EDITED and CENSORED by my dearly beloved CATHOLIC CHURCH more than 1000 years ago! Now, we, Christians, are sooooooo narrow-minded that despite the eruption of new AUTHENTIC ancient GOSPELS (Gospels of Judas, Mary, Thomas) during the last 50 years, we still chose to refuse to believe!

Same-sex marriage may be thought as a VIOLATION of HUMAN NATURE. But look at this: people in the middle ages had also thought that having a terrible disease is a curse of GOD. No one ever thought that disease was caused by microorganisms. Yet, the proponents of this modern-day disease theory, like Louis Pasteur, were ostracized by religious fanatics; and so was Nicholaus Copernicus for thinking that the Sun was the center of the universe; and so was Aristotle for thinking that the Earth was round; and so were the EARLY CHRISTIANS for believing in a god named Christ!

Now, IN THESE TIMES, who would NOT know that diseases can be caused by microbes? that the Earth is round? that the Sun is the center of the solar system? that there are more than 2 billion Christians worldwide???

Who are we to judge what SHOULD BE and what SHOULD NOT BE? 

When did we even feel the need to classify a person to what group he belongs?

Why do we always think that what is common is right?

Where should we lay our beliefs?

How does one know what is and what is not?

You see, history is repeating itself. And the reason is clear: it's because humanity fails to learn what should have already been learnt. These LGBT people are being mocked, NOW. They comprise the marginalized sector of our land.

BUT KNOW ALL MEN . . . that Time may come soon enough when the prevailing social norm may no longer mandate heterosexual union; for the LGBT group may pretty much be like Louis Pasteur, Nicholaus Copernicus, Aristotle or the early Christians. They may be holding to themselves what is wrong today, but will be right tomorrow.