Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Way Out

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion regarding the article "Hello, new nurses" by Gerardale Balintec.

I think the goal of most RN's is to get out of the Philippines as soon as possible. To do that, you need (in order of importance):

a) MONEY - That "Poverty is not a hindrance" thing is dead. How can 

you feed yourself by doing voluntary service? People who volunteer for experience and maintain good living standards get financial support from their family members who had also spent for their college fees.

B) CONNECTIONS - Those who have experienced this know this. Some were lucky enough to have relatives or friends working at target institutions. I've heard that some RN programs out there are plagued with nepotistic ideologies.

C) SCHOOL - Admit it, the University where one hails from is a big factor. Decent hospitals require applicants to have graced from "reputable institutions". No if's, no but's. But graduating from a good nursing school doesn't guarantee a happy ending.

D) CERTIFICATIONS / TRAINING / SEMINARS - And the list goes on, we call them many names, but they're all mostly beneficial for entrepreneurs. Oh, how businessmen prosper from conducting unusually expensive trainings, certifications just so you could add something to your resume...

E) MOTIVATION - The least relevant factor here. Motivation dies hard, but in a world full of demotivating factors, it's as lame as a candle light in the wind.

I consider myself lucky to have not fully experienced the harsh reality of post-graduate nursing life. As a person void of financial assets, I have immersed myself into the limelight of business process outsourcing. I passed the July 2010 examination, but I shrugged the thought of getting my license since I wouldn't be using it for a long time anyway. Call centers are where easy money is, for the time being. This is where thousands of board passers like me (and some RN's and undergrads) bet their fates on.

I miss nursing life though. College was the best and worst thing that happened to me. It would be thrilling to relive the experience.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Download via Torrent: Beginner's Guide

If you are a movie fanatic, then most probably you'd shell out to get your own copy of the latest movies. If you fancy Justin Bieber, you'd most likely wanna devour his album collection. If you're a gamer, you'd surely love to download the latest software or so. But you'll love it more if you could get all these for free, right? Yes! All you need is a reliable Internet connection (which I believe you already have). Oh, and a little bit of patience, of course.

You wouldn't continue to read on if you already knew what I'm talking about. But for the uninitiated and the law abiding citizen, now's the perfect time!

So how about if I show you the steps so you could get started this very instant? Get those fingers prepped and let's start torrenting!

1. Download the uTorrent application/client here. Click "Get uTorrent."

2. Follow the instructions in the uTorrent installation.

3. After installing, you are now ready to download torrent files like movies, e-books, audio, etc! Just go to or www.fenopy.euand search for what you like to download.

4. Isohunt will display all related search results. Note that each item in the search result has corresponding category (Video/Movies, Audio, Books, etc), Seeds (S), Leeches (L) and comments. These data will help you decide which torrent would be the fastest to be downloaded. (See reminders and tips below for details).

5. Click the item that you wish to download. (e.g. The.Departed[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-HOLLA2007), then click "Download .torrent" (not the Download image links that usually lead to an advertised page). If you want to download only a single episode from a series, for example, Dexter Season 2 Episode 3, you have to key in “Dexter S02E04”.

6. You should now be able to download the torrent file (the green "myu" sign). Open the torrent file, and it will automatically launch the uTorrent client. Your download will begin as soon as you choose the destination path of your download (e.g. E:/Downloads).

See! It's that easy. It's A WHOLE LOT easier than purchasing at Amazon or Paypal or all the other money-making titans on the internet. For those who ask if this type of downloading is illegal, hell yeah! (at least in some countries). But laws about the internet is as vague as shadow, so don't bother thinking. Your only nemesis is your guilt feeling (which don't help your self-esteem at all), and of course, your restrictive Internet Service Provider!

Before you start torrenting, here are some helpful tips and reminders:

a. Most torrents finish downloading after more than 24 hours depending on the size of the file you're downloading and the speed of your internet connection. So you can always turn off your computer whenever you want. Once you turn it back on and open the uTorrent client, the download will resume.

b. In choosing what to download in a torrent search site, such as, select the torrent that has a high number of SEEDERS (S) and a low number of LEECHERS (L). The higher the Seeder-Leecher ratio, the faster the download process would be. is considered one of the best torrent search engines. Even though peer-to-peer sharing (torrenting) is illegal in some countries due to copyright, it is unlikely that this site will be shut down. Always check the Category, so you don't get disappointed after waiting hours of download. If you search for "Justin Bieber," Isohunt will usually first display the most downloaded torrent. It could be a music discography (audio album collection) or a movie file (Never Say Never). You get the point.

c. Don't ignore the Star ratings and comments.

d. Do not manipulate (move to another folder, change the file name or folder name) the file folder of the torrent download. This will cause the torrent to stop downloading or seeding.

e. Do not open a torrent file that hasn't finished downloading yet. It cannot be of any use, anyway. Wait till it's 100% done.

f. You can select priorities for the torrent files you are downloading. Do the right-click! You can also click the green up and down arrow on the torrent client.

g. After your torrent has finished download, please let the torrent stay in your uTorrent client for a few more days. After downloading, the torrent will start seeding. It means that the client will start uploading the torrent file to the Internet. You will now be called a Seeder for that specific torrent. Seeding (done by other people) is the reason why you are able to download torrents.

h. After a considerable amount of time has passed (for seeding), you can now delete the torrent file from your torrent client. Click the torrent and the X mark on top, and make sure to rate and comment!

i. For other questions, email me at


Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book is a spiritual and religious book about God, the cosmos and human spiritual life. Its authorship is unknown, and I find it as an interesting insight into the world of New Age philosophy, with which I associate myself.

It's intriguing to note that the book did not have a specific author. However, the teachings in this book are said to have come from several higher celestial beings through different forms of psychic mediumship. It discusses the basics of religiosity as well as some contexts that are essentially unknown to humanity, such as the presence of multiple universes. I find the teachings similar to the contents of H.P. Blavatsky's magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine. It also parallels some teachings in the Gnostic books like The Apocryphon of John.

Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article discussing the teachings of The Urantia book:

Nature of God

According to The Urantia Book, God is the creator and upholder of all reality—an omniscientomnipresentomnipotentinfinite, and eternal spirit personality. The most fundamental teaching about God in the book is that he is a Father. "The face which the Infinite turns toward all universe personalities is the face of a Father, the Universal Father of love."[13] Even during the development of numerous other themes in The Urantia Book, God as a loving Father is emphasized as the central, unifying attitude of God toward the universe.
God is inherently kind, naturally compassionate, and everlastingly merciful. And never is it necessary that any influence be brought to bear upon the Father to call forth his loving-kindness. The creature's need is wholly sufficient to insure the full flow of the Father's tender mercies and his saving grace. Since God knows all about his children, it is easy for him to forgive. The better man understands his neighbor, the easier it will be to forgive him, even to love him.[14]
God is said to be a mystery though because of the infinite scope of his perfection and his attributes.
God is not hiding from any of his creatures. He is unapproachable to so many orders of beings only because he "dwells in a light which no material creature can approach." The immensity and grandeur of the divine personality is beyond the grasp of the unperfected mind of evolutionary mortals.[15]
God, according to the book, is one Deity who functions on a range of different levels of reality, both personal and impersonal. God is taught to exist in a Trinity of three perfectly individualized persons who are co-equal: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. These persons are referred to by additional titles in the book, primarily as the "Universal Father," "Eternal Son," and "Infinite Spirit." While stating that the concept of one God in three persons is difficult to fully understand, the book says that the idea "in no manner violates the truth of the divine unity. The three personalities of Paradise Deity are, in all universe reality reactions and in all creature relations, as one."
The Father, Son, and Spirit are considered "existential" persons of Deity, those in existence from the eternal past to the eternal future. In addition, three persons of Deity are described who are "experiential," or incomplete and in the process of actualizing: God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and God the Absolute. Of these three, God the Supreme, or "the Supreme Being," is given the most explanation, as the person of Deity evolving in time and space to unify finite reality and the infinite. The persons of God the Ultimate and God the Absolute are considered to be remote from the possibility of comprehension and are covered on a limited basis.
Many types of celestial beings are enumerated in the book, and one of particular note is a joint "offspring" of the Universal Father and Eternal Son called a "Creator Son." A divine Creator Son is considered the full representation of the Universal Father and Eternal Son that is possible to people. Jesus of Nazareth is identified as a Creator Son who incarnated on Earth and whose life and teachings are portrayed as the fullest revelation of the personality and attitude of God ever given to humanity.
The final paper states:[16]
To "follow Jesus" means to personally share his religious faith and to enter into the spirit of the Master's life of unselfish service for man. One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it.

[edit]God and the individual

God is described as the Father of each individual, and through the direct gift of a fragment of his eternal spirit, called a Thought Adjuster, is said to be able to guide the individual toward an increased understanding of him. The Thought Adjuster is also called a "Mystery Monitor," "inner voice," "divine spark," and "pilot light." The concept is in ways comparable to the Hindu atman, the ancient Egyptian ka, and the Quaker inner light. In relation to biblical traditions, the Thought Adjuster is described by the book as the meaning behind the phrases "being made in God's image" and the "kingdom of God is within you":
The Adjuster is the mark of divinity, the presence of God. The "image of God" does not refer to physical likeness nor to the circumscribed limitations of material creature endowment but rather to the gift of the spirit presence of the Universal Father in the supernal bestowal of the Thought Adjusters upon the humble creatures of the universes.[17]
Each person is said to receive one such fragment at the time of his or her first independent moral decision, on average around the age of five years and ten months. The Adjuster then serves noncoercively as a divine partner in the mind of the individual for the rest of life, and to the extent that a person consents with their free will to want to find God, it leads the person toward more mature, spiritualized thinking. Through the practice of learning how to follow the inner leadings of the Adjuster—choose "God's will"—the individual progresses to greater God consciousness and spiritual growth.
A person's Thought Adjuster is described as distinct from either the soul or the conscience. In The Urantia Book's teachings, the degree to which a human mind chooses to accept its Adjuster's guidance becomes the degree to which a person's soul "grows" and becomes a reality that can then survive death. The soul is in essence an embryonic spiritual development, one parental factor being the divine Adjuster and the other being the human will.
The book many times links the biblical New Testament teachings of becoming like a little child in attitude of trust and sincerity as being the stance each person should have toward God. It says the attitude of open-minded teachability facilitates spiritual growth in liaison with the work of the Thought Adjuster and invariably leads a person to love and serve other people. It also says, "But you yourself are mostly unconscious of this inner ministry. You are quite incapable of distinguishing the product of your own material intellect from that of the conjoint activities of your soul and the Adjuster."
Persistently embracing sin is considered the same as rejecting the leadings of the Adjuster, rejecting the will of God. Constant selfishness and sinful choosing lead eventually to iniquity and full identification with unrighteousness, and since unrighteousness is unreal, it results in the eventual annihilation of the individual's identity. Personalities like this become "as if they never were." The book says that "in the last analysis, such sin-identified individuals have destroyed themselves by becoming wholly unreal through their embrace of iniquity." The concepts of Hell and reincarnationare not taught.
From Paper 5, "God's Relation to the Individual":[18]
The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal adventure with man. If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his ascendant creatures from the evolutionary worlds of space.
The book says that a person ultimately is destined to fuse with his or her divine fragment and become one inseparable entity with it, if the person chooses to accept the Adjuster's leadings and become self-identified with it. The act of fusion is the moment when a human personality has successfully and unalterably won eternal life, described as typically taking place in the afterlife, but also a possibility during earthly life. The result during human life is a "fusion flash," with the material body consumed in a fiery light and the soul "translated" to the afterlife. The Hebrew prophetElijah being taken to heaven without death in "chariots of fire" is said to be a rare example in recorded history of a person who attained fusion.
Once fused with his or her fragment of God, a person continues as an ascending citizen in the universe and travels through numerous worlds on a long, adventurous pilgrimage of growth and learning that eventually leads to God and residence on Paradise. Mortals who reach this stage are called "finaliters." The book goes on to discuss the potential destinies of these "glorified mortals."
The Urantia Book places much emphasis on the idea that all individuals have the same opportunity to know God, and it says nothing can hinder a human being's spiritual progression if he or she is motivated to be spirit led. The book regards human life on earth as a "short and intense test," and the afterlife as a continuation of training that begins in material life. The "religion of Jesus" is considered to be practiced by way of loving God the Father with a person's whole being, thereby learning to love each person the way Jesus loves people; that is, recognizing others as brothers and sisters and being of unselfish service to them.


The book teaches that the universe is vastly older than current scientific theories state, and that the universe is the product of intelligent and purposeful organization.[7][19] Information aboutcosmology and astronomy is provided in parts I, II, and III of the book. The book discusses space and time, describes the formation and evolution of galaxiesstars, and planets. The authors claim that the universe is teeming with intelligent life located mainly on the planets of extrasolar planetary systems.
The book describes that at the center of the cosmos is the stationary Isle of Paradise — the dwelling place of God — with Paradise being surrounded by "Havona," a created universe containing a billion perfect worlds, around which seven evolutionary "superuniverses" circle. All the groupings of galaxies of inhabited and uninhabited universes circle around the Isle of Paradise, the gravitational center of the universe, which some Urantia Book readers believe is located in Great Attractor.[20]
The term "universe" in the book is used to denote a number of different scales of organization. A "superuniverse" is roughly the size of a galaxy or group of galaxies, and the seven superuniverses along with Paradise-Havona are together designated as the "grand universe." A "local universe" is a portion of a superuniverse, with 100,000 local universes being in each superuniverse. Beyond the seven superuniverses, enormous uninhabited "outer space levels" are described. The term "master universe" refers to what in modern usage would be the total universe — all existing matterand space taken as a whole.
The physical size of a local universe is not directly stated, but each is said to have up to 10 million inhabited worlds. Urantia is said to be located in a remote local universe named "Nebadon," which itself is part of superuniverse number seven, "Orvonton."
The book discusses alternative explanations for the universe's origin and offers explanations for some observed astronomical phenomena. For example, the book claims that astronomic redshiftarises from "numerous factors of error" and is "wholly unreliable" beyond nearby galaxies, the greatest distortion being caused by the seven superuniverses revolving around Paradise in the direction opposite from the galaxies in the "outer space levels."


The book attempts to synchronize religion, science and philosophy and many statements about science appear in the text. "The ideal human estate is that in which philosophy, religion, and science are welded into a meaningful unity.." "Science teaches man to speak the new language of mathematics and trains his thoughts along lines of exacting precision. And science also stabilizes philosophy through the elimination of error, while it purifies religion by the destruction of superstition." The book hold science in high regard, however opposes the purely materialistic science. About conflict between science and religion the book states: "In reality, true religion cannot become involved in any controversy with science; it is in no way concerned with material things." The Urantia Book debunks astrology as "pseudo science of Babylon" and also states: "But the frank, honest, and fearless search for true causes gave birth to modern science: It turned astrology into astronomy, alchemy into chemistry, and magic into medicine."[1]
In Paper 101, "The Real Nature of Religion,"[21] the authors write:
We full well know that, while the historic facts and religious truths of this series of revelatory presentations will stand on the records of the ages to come, within a few short years many of our statements regarding the physical sciences will stand in need of revision in consequence of additional scientific developments and new discoveries. These new developments we even now foresee, but we are forbidden to include such humanly undiscovered facts in the revelatory records. Let it be made clear that revelations are not necessarily inspired. The cosmology of these revelations is not inspired.
The only apparent anticipation of science the book has made, in Gardner's opinion, is that it says the magnetic sense that homing pigeons possess is "not wholly wanting as a conscious possession by mankind." In 1980, a British zoologist, Robin Baker, published evidence that humans have a limited magnetic sense.
Kary Mullis a Nobel Prize winning American biochemist indicates on his personal website[better source needed][22] a striking coincidences between a story of Adam and Eve[23] in The Urantia Bookand the finding published in "Science": 309 (2005) that a variant of a gene that regulates brain size arose roughly 37,000 years ago with a 95% confidence interval of 14,000 to 60,000 years.[24]According to The Urantia Book: "Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago" (Paper 74).
Mark McMenamin, a professor of geology, quotes a section of the book describing a billion-year-old supercontinent that subsequently split apart, forming ocean basins where early marine life developed. He says, "This amazing passage, written in the 1930s, anticipates scientific results that did not actually appear in the scientific literature until many decades later." McMenamin also states, "Of course I am being selective here in my choice of quotations, and there are reams of scientifically untenable material in The Urantia Book."[25]
In his book Supercontinent: Ten Billion Years in the Life of Our Planet Ted Nield comments on McMenamin's statement, saying "These quotations are selective, of course, which is always the key to making the prophecies of mystics look 'uncanny' If you look at other parts of the same passage from which those quotations come, you can find a rich and colourful mixture of half-correct ideas and plain nonsense... But the trick of a successful prophet is to say enough things, and to phrase them sufficiently elliptically, so that the occasional correct hits within the general rambling leap out at the prepared mind - just like cloud patterns, or the face of the Man in the Moon." In this case, he says, both scientists and mystics "apparently independently 'discovered'" this supercontinent, "and it was the mystics who sleepwalked there first."[26]
Adherents believe that there are some examples of scientific foreknowledge in The Urantia Book.[27][28]

[edit]History and future of the world

The book's extensive teachings about the history of the world include its physical development about 4.5 billion years ago, the gradual changes in conditions that allowed life to develop, and long ages of organic evolution that started with microscopic marine life and led to plant and animal life in the oceans, later on land. The emergence of humans is presented as having occurred about a million years ago from a branch of superior primates originating from a lemur ancestor.
The Urantia Book says "this story is graphically told within the fossil pages of the vast 'stone book' of world record ... the pages of this gigantic biogeologic record unfailingly tell the truth if you but acquire skill in their interpretation." Unlike current scientific views, evolution is said to be orderly and controlled. Primordial life is taught to have been intelligently planned, implanted, and monitored by "Life Carriers," instead of arising spontaneously. The book says that "mortal man is not an evolutionary accident," and that the purpose of evolution on a planet such as Urantia is to produce creatures of "will dignity" that can develop spiritual natures and survive material existence, going on to have eternal spiritual careers.
The Urantia Book teaches not only biological evolution, but that human society and spiritual understandings evolve by slow progression, subject both to periods of rapid improvement and the possibility of retrogression. Progress is said to follow a divine plan that includes periodic gifts of revelation and ministry by heavenly teachers, which eventually will lead to an ideal world status of "light and life" in the far distant future.
Though there is the ideal and divine plan, it is said to be fostered and administered by various orders of celestial beings who are not always perfect. Through mistakes or deliberate rebellion, the plan can be wrecked, requiring long spans of time to recoup lost progress. Urantia is said to be a markedly "dark and confused" planet that is "greatly retarded in all phases of intellectual progress and spiritual attainment" compared to more typical inhabited worlds, due to an unusually severe history of rebellion and default by its spiritual supervisors.
The Urantia Book describes the successive eras of biologic, intellectual, and spiritual uplifting as "epochal revelations" of God and his ministering agents to man. According to The Urantia Book the Lucifer Rebellion[29] was a disruption of God's divine plan in the history of Urantia. In the book, Lucifer is classified as a "Primary Lanonandek Son" and head administrator of his attending system. He proposed the concepts of personal liberty, self-autonomy, and self-assertion. These concepts were adopted on Urantia first by the head of its human affairs, Caligastia. By joining Lucifer, Caligastia caused the eventual collapse of the same fragile civilization he had come to guide as "Planetary Prince" of the realm.[30] The Urantia Book emphasizes that despite its dark history, Urantia has been the beneficiary of much good. The life of Jesus, designated in The Urantia Book as the "fourth epochal revelation," is said to have redeemed the planet of the blunders of rebellion. "And when Jesus came down from his sojourn on Mount Hermon, the Lucifer rebellion in Satania and the Caligastia secession on Urantia were virtually settled."[31]

[edit]The life and teaching of Jesus

More than one third of the content of the book (Part IV) is devoted to a narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus. From his birth in Bethlehem and infancy in Alexandria, the story extends through his years of school in Nazareth and his work as a young carpenter after the death of his father Joseph, in order to sustain his widowed mother and eight brothers and sisters. Topics include a girl Rebecca who fell in love with him, and Jesus' rejection of her proposal for marriage. Jesus is said to have traveled around the Mediterranean Basin (Alexandria, Rome, Athens etc. ) and regions of the Middle East (Mesopotamia and Caspian Sea region) in his late 20s, and after these trips, the narrative begins to parallel what is depicted in the New Testament, but with numerous extra details. John the Baptist and the twelve Apostles are people of flesh and blood with their virtues and flaws. Jesus' teaching, as presented to his apostles and followers, is exhaustive, enlarged and presented in contemporary language. The work of Women's Evangelistic Corps appointed by Jesus is narrated too.

Jesus mission on Earth the book describes as bestowal of Creator Son. Each Creator Son can rule his part of universe – the local universe – after completing seven bestowals, the final of them is in the likeness of mortal flesh. This is the one of reasons why the Creator Son came to Earth – Urantia. The other purpose of his mission is stated in the book: "A Creator Son did not incarnate in the likeness of mortal flesh and bestow himself upon the humanity of Urantia to reconcile an angry God but rather to win all mankind to the recognition of the Father's love and to the realization of their sonship with God." The core of Jesus teaching is that the men are children of God and their fellows are their brethren in one big family; when Jesus is their elder brother. The idea of kingdom of God as presented by Jesus is the rule of Heavenly Father in the hearts of men, but many of his followers misinterpret this idea as purely earthly kingdom. The book states that today Christianity is rather a religion about Jesus instead religion of Jesus – his original teaching – which the book reinstates.[1]

If you are intersted in reading The Urantia Book in its entirety, click here.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

How to Convert Units of Measurement

Converting units to other units can be a tough ordeal for some elementary and high school students. Even I struggled with the concept when I was studying for my elementary examinations. It was only during high school physics that I've known about the simple way of converting. As you know, physics can be very confusing in terms of units like kgxm/s^2. Hence, I am sharing them to you now to save you of my year-long quandary with unit conversion.

First things first! You MUST MEMORIZE the conversion factors. There's no way we can dispute this step.

Memorizing the conversion factors is essential if you are to convert imperial to metric or vice versa. For example, you want to convert 5 feet 6 inches (imperial) to centimeters (metric). We'll tackle metric system later, it's easier.

We know that 1 foot = 12 inches, and 1 inch = 25.44 millimeters. We need these conversion factors for our problem.

Now, this is our flow: feet-inches > inches > millimeters

5 feet 6 inches has two units. You need to focus on the foot unit first, then just add the second unit later.

               12 inches
 5 feet x  --------------  =  60 inches
                  1 foot    

How did we get inches as the unit of the answer? Simply because in the left side of the equation, the foot units are cancelled out. Actually, it will be you to decide what the numerator and the denominator will be.  If a numerator (in the above case, it's 5 feet, with a default denominator of 1) has a similar term on the denominator, you can cancel them out. In our case, the similar terms are "feet" or "foot."

Another example. You want to convert 72 inches to feet.

72 inches  x   -------------

You know the conversion factor:  1 foot = 12 inches. So since we're dealing with inches as the numerator (72 inches), the denominator of the next item should also be in inches (12 inches).

                     1 foot
72 inches x --------------    =
                   12 inches

The "inches" are cancelled out. The remaining symbols indicate division. And the remaining unit is foot. The answer is 6 feet.

Going back to our previous problem, 5 feet 8 inches = 60 inches + 6 inches = 66 inches.

Since 1 inch = 25.44 mm, then:

                 25.44 mm
66 inches x ------------ =  1679.04 mm
                    1 inch

Let's take it a little further. In converting metric values, you first have to understand the metric conversion table. For the unit of length, the standard value is METER. Any thing longer than a standard value is designated with a Greek prefix. Anything shorter has Latin prefixes. You'll see:

1 meter = 1000000 MICRO meter (um)
1 meter = 1000 MILLI meter (mm)
1 meter = 100 CENTI meter (cm)
1 meter = 10 DECI meter (dm)

10 meters = 1 DEKA meter (dam)
100 meters = 1 HEKTO meter (hm)
1000 meters = 1 KILO meter (km)
1000000 meters = 1 MEGA meter (Mm)

Let's convert 1679.04 mm to kilometer(km), taking note of the placement of numerators and denominators.

                         1 meter             1 kilometer
1679.04 mm x  ----------------- x -----------------  = 0.001679 kilometer
                         1000 mm           1000 meters

Just multiply all values in the numerator, and divide them with all values in the denominator. Cancel out the units until 1 unit is left.

Last example. Convert 12345 feet to kilometer

You have to check your resources and enumerate your conversion factors first. Then our flow would be: feet > inches > centimeters > meters > kilometers

                      12 inches            25.44 mm                1 meter              1 kilometer
12345 feet x ----------------  x ------------------- x ---------------------- x -------------------  =
                      1 foot                   1 inch                   1000 mm               1000 meter

= 12345 x 12 x 25.44 / 1000 / 1000 kilometers =  ---------------------- = 3.7686816 km

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Dream that Pepeng Fulfilled

She was running fast – there were falling rocks and everyone was shouting. As the rain poured fiercely on her, she could see her house rapidly sinking beneath the sudden flow of mud coming from a mountain. In the pitch black night, she tried to call for help, but the loudness of the raging mud flow muted her. In an instant, it reached her, burying her beneath the horrid piles of mud, rocks and dead bodies… she could not breathe… she was sure she was dying…

And then she woke up.

Aling Dolores would never forget the night she dreamed of that nightmare. She was soaked with sweat on her bed, being thankful that it was just a bad dream. But never had she thought that one year later, on the night of October 8, 2009, this fateful dream of hers would come true.

This is the story of Aling Dolores’ survival from the tragic incident that struck the humble village of Little Kibungan in Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet.

No Tears
We found her sitting at a corner of what used to be the classroom of Grade 3 students in Puguis Elementary School. Together with more than 100 evacuees, she sought refuge in this school hoping to ease her from the gloomy landslide that raked everything she had. At 52, her wrinkles and gray hair proved to be testament to her battles in life. She seemed grief-stricken and puzzled for her great loss; but somehow she still managed to smile to everyone inside this makeshift camp.

Around her, people were chanting hymns… the atmosphere bearing a heavy mode of grief… In front her were the five plywood coffins of her daughter, her son-in-law, and her three little grandchildren who all died during that rainy evening. This classroom was a temporary funeral home.

Aling Dolores had not yet shed a single tear since the incident. Yet, a grave feeling of emptiness blanketed her being… an unfamiliar rope that strangled her breathing.

As the singing grew louder, Dolores courageously set off to revisit the night she cheated death.

Last Supper
Sabali ti ulimek ken lamminna idi rabii (The silence and coldness of the night was different),” she said in a sinister tone. Typhoon Pepeng had already taken its toll on many parts of Northern Luzon. Some of her neighbors had just gone to Puguis Elementary School in hopes of a safer shelter. Amidst shrieking winds and jostling mud, she and six other relatives chose to share a meal’s bounty inside her house situated along a steep mountain crevice. Her daughter Jane, along with her husband Antonio and three children, feasted on their supper at a cabin just below Aling Dolores’ place. They stuffed themselves with adobo, and that was enough to send Jane and the four to a good night’s sleep.

Dolores seated cozily in her kitchen as the candlelight flickered on the table. A power outage had plunged their village in utter darkness. She was repeatedly lighting the candle, for the winds outside were putting it out. This could be an omen, she thought.

She dismissed her gut feel and tried to think of other things. Ah, it was indeed a relief to have finally paid this lot where their house stood. Just recently, a loaning firm had lent Jane with Php 15,000.00. They were then ready to hire a lawyer to grant them a title for their lot. “Pagtulung-tulungantayo nga mabayadan, Inang (We’ll work together to pay [the loan], Mom),
” Jane had said to her mother.

A sudden gush of chilling wind entered her kitchen and caught her. The candle flickered and soon Dolores plunged into the dark. She lighted it again. Dolores was about to resume her seat when a terrible sense of foreboding enveloped her…

It was 10:30 p.m. This was the night. Her one-year-old nightmare would finally resurrect.

A deafening roar erupted from outside her house. Thunder, she thought, stunned. But no lightning preceded it. As the noise grew violently louder, the floor beneath her feet started trembling. Earthquake! She hurriedly rushed outside and almost slipped – the ground was painted with mud. She was halted by what she saw.

A raging river of mud had appeared in front of her. Blocks of wood and cement twisted viciously, destroying everything in their path. Despite the darkness, she could see how the mud flow swept the entire slope like the hands of a ferocious giant. She screamed her lungs out… it was useless… people were already shouting and running for their lives. The sight almost paralyzed her from where she stood. Her nightmare…

Something hit her from her side, and she stumbled to the mud just to find it was one of his sons who bumped into her. He was scurrying towards the treacherous mud flow. An unbearable wave of dread brushed her… she wanted to stop Martin from going any nearer… What in the name of God was he doing?

Alas! Her maternal instinct suddenly possessed her. In between slippery mud and heavy rain, she plowed her way to where Martin was directed. Jane and her family were in serious danger. She stumbled three times, bruising her ankles and elbow. She kept running. She could hear Martin shouting inside Jane’s cabin. She looked at the direction of the sound… then a cold shiver crawled up her spine – Jane’s house was already half-submerged in yellow-brown mud flow!

She could not think clearly. Her mind raced whether to brave the mud to save them or to stay calm  and wait. Confusion got the best of her when the mud flow gripped her naked feet. Instantly, someone rushed and pulled her to higher ground. It was Martin. By impulse, she searched Martin’s side for signs of Jane’s kindred, but there were none. Then his son hurriedly ran towards her own house. She thought she would go crazy that very instant. Then… she heard an agonizing scream… it was coming from Jane’s cabin… “Uncle! Partakam! Kayat ko pay mabiag! (Hurry up, Uncle. I still want to live!)” Anthony! He’s alive, Dolores thought. She scampered across the tumultuous mud river to save his poor grandson. She could not afford to lose one; she had dreams for this child...

For the second time, Martin pulled her back. He was back with his brother Marvin alongside him. He had a long hose and a knife in his hands. In a swift mode, he forcibly swam across the heightening mud river and in to Jane’s house. Anthony must breathe.

Twisted Nightmare

Aling Dolores never thought nor dreamed of this. In her nightmare, it was she who died. But to what happened she had prepared no reaction. No teardrop would come out, no weeping. She just sat there on a chair in her kitchen.

It was 2 a.m. of October 9. Her four sons alternated doing CPR to Jane, Antonio, Jeanson, Aj-ann and even Anthony but to no avail. It had already been three hours since they managed to “rescue” them – the bodies unusually heavy with water and covered in mud. Dolores could do nothing but to stare at them – lips black and blue all over. They waited until sunrise, hoping that at one magical instant, life would spring back.

It never did.

Outside, the mud flow had receded, along with Jane's family's dreams, too. Fate, Dolores said, was mischievous.


The landslide left them and some 40 families homeless, forcing them to reside at the evacuation site in Puguis Elementary. Though her own house still stood, it suffered irreversible damage. Aling Dolores could not help but ride with the current of change that had mercilessly swept her entire village.

Nakalipat tayo ken Apo Dios (We have forsaken God),’ she said in reverie. “Ngem agsala-sala toy panunot ko nga apay nangyari daytoy kenniami (But I kept thinking why this happened to us).” In previous years, she had since been a member of a Catholic league praying for the healing of the sick. “Agil-ilot kami pay ti adda saksakitna (We even treat the sick).” Only until then had she realized it was they who needed their prayers. “Ania ti nagkamaliak? (Where did I go wrong?)”

Of all the dreams she ached to fulfill for her family, why her nightmare? She had dreamed of her grandchildren studying on a private school, her daughter Jane landing a good job. She had dreamt simple dreams, like having a picnic with her kin, and drinking Benguet coffee with them during sunrise.

But there she was – drinking dole-out instant coffee in an evacuation site, at her daughter Jean’s wake.

She could not rid off such loneliness. All her dreams for them… gone… buried in mud… left in that instant graveyard of lost dreams.  She surmised how stealthily death could come upon one’s sleep. “Awan naaramidanda (They were unable to do anything).” Anthony’s final beg for survival still haunted her. She could have done something… to hide that mosquito net the day before the landslide. If only she knew it might tangle him on his bed, pinning him to his drowning end… Martin’s knife could not cut the net, and the long hose failed to come on time. The mud had swallowed him fast. If only she had not given them the meat for their adobo...

Indeed, regrets come last.

In Memoriam

She may be lucky to survive. But the loss it brought her was as painful as death itself. For her, it was hard to live when all else had died. “Dakkel ti nabawas. Kanayon mo nga biruken isuda, kasla adda mapukpukaw (A lot has changed.You constantly look for them, like something is missing),” her voice finally broke and her eyes wet with mellow tears.

She knew she would miss how Jeanson bullied her till she got mad, how Aj-ann used to ask her to comb her hair, how Anthony and Antonio helped her with their chores, and how Jane promised her of better living. It was undeniably painful to accept this fate, this tragedy that tested her... as a mother… as a human.

But despite all that had happened, Dolores was thankful to all the volunteers and friends who earnestly offered themselves to them. In times of need, she had known how it felt to gain compassion upon losing a beloved. Love, she said in Ilocano, is after all a universal thing.

Typhoon Pepeng had undeniably left Northern Luzon with a landslide of why’s. But the biggest question asked by all those affected remains unchanged: How do they begin?

Her nightmare has become a tragic part of Cordilleran history. It has claimed the lives of 81 residents, the highest death toll among the more than 50 landslides that scourged the Cordilleras. To date, there has been more than 340 confirmed casualties and almost 800 million worth of agricultural, infrastructure and economic damages all over the region – almost close to the 1990 earthquake. It has paralyzed Baguio City, fending the four major road networks impassable to vehicles for one week. The gravity of Baguio’s cripple plunged the city into the national limelight. Dolores’ nightmare was a hit.

A Single Piece
Everything is temporary, Dolores said. Everything that the eyes can see will expire, even life itself. How soon? She does not know. “Ni Apo Dios laeng ti makaammo. Isuna met ti nangited ti biagtayo (Only God knows. After all, it was He who gave life to us),” she said while looking at the remains of little Aj-ann, her sweet one-year-old granddaughter.

Though the mountains and its people may forget all these in time, the bitter-sweet aftermath of the calamity would forever nestle in her mind.

Aling Dolores is just one among the many pieces that make up this infamous jigsaw puzzle that Typhoon Pepeng laid upon us. In the end, when the puzzle is completed, only then can we decipher if the whole thing is an image of hope – or despair.