Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two Souls, One Destiny

Zeus was furious. He had crafted an almost perfect creature that threatened his god-throne. Indispensable was this human creature – for no god could attack and wound it. But in an instant fit of unthinkable outrage, Zeus sent a killing bolt of lightning that struck the human creature to its core. It was split into two unknown entities – one a man, the other a woman. From then on, it was incomplete. From then on, it was eternally in search of its other half …. Soulmate, they call it.

Illustration by Flora Mae Santos
Although Zeus and his many leagues of moody gods may have only been myths, the concept of soulmates continues to captivate the hearts of those long seeking for that great love story. Our fascination for love’s countless mysteries take its roots back into a time the ancient civilizations emerged.

To some, soulmates are but crazy fantasies of medieval romanticists desperate for true love. But obscure as it may be, this magical interplay of souls is, once and for all, a sacred and divine concept duly revered by all mystics of old. It inevitably becomes a possibility.

At first sight
Many times we’ve acquainted with strangers for the first time, yet we know it’s as if we’ve known them before. Oftentimes, we feel a peculiar feeling during that first meeting, “love at first sight” so they say. What explains this instant irresistible attraction that draws two different strangers to a moment of bliss? Is it mere coincidence? Or have we awakened a latent part of the soul, long waiting for that lovely moment when it finally meets its partner soul?

The answer hides not behind any temple nor high-tech vaults. It only surfaces upon the time when we realize there are many planes of existence other than the physical earth. The answer is concealed beneath the deepest crevices of the human soul.

Before one could truly understand the nature of the sacred soulmates, he has to first grasp two very important esoteric principles: karma and reincarnation.

The Thousand Cycles
Contrary to Christian teaching that man lives only once, eastern doctrines tell us that man undergoes an almost endless cycle of earthly rebirths, offering man a multitude of lifetimes (past lives). After death, the soul abandons his body and enters the spirit (astral) world. There he reflects on his previous lifetime until he is ready to move on and reincarnate again in another body. Our souls reincarnate for it to achieve self-mastery and divine perfection – things that are impossible to attain in only one given lifetime. These sequences of incarnations could take thousands of years before one soul becomes perfect. One single lifetime therefore is just a blink of an eye, a tiny slice in that unfathomable Eternity.

But there is this Law that governs all life forms in the Universe – a law so cunning it follows us like a faithful tail even beyond earthly death. Karma. It knows no excuses. Christians, Moslems, agnostics, Satanists – all unconsciously submit to this Inexorable Law of Karma whether they believe it or not. Psychic prophet Edgar Cayce simply defines it as “meeting yourself.

In this belief, man’s every action is said to harbor an equal and opposite action. As the Bible puts it, we reap what we sow, whether it be a positive or a negative act. An action will always seek forth their rightful origin in the same manner as they were unleashed. Just as how the Golden rule tells us, we meet the consequences of our every action, from the tiniest bit of deed. Whatever we do will surely be done unto us in full measure, “nothing less, nothing more.”

Karma is forever at work “to teach and aid, to give the individual a better mirror with which to see himself.” It is perfect. Ultimately, Karma interweaves the destinies of the soulmates.

An Indestructible Link
There are no accidents in the universe.” Everything – from the tiniest of matter to the biggest of galaxies – holds a purpose. It is no accident that we have met all the people in our lives now. They are the people whose souls we have already met in our many past lives. This is because when someone forms relations with others, his soul creates a “karmic chain” that binds him to others. This is the reason why mystics have so long told that “we are all interconnected” in this One Universe.

A person who nurtures love towards another builds a karmic link that will bind them together to meet in future reincarnations. When hate is fostered, this hate becomes a “karmic debt” which has to be resolved and paid in a future lifetime, no matter what. For example, our parents whom we had mistreated in a given past life may be reincarnated as our abusive employers in this present life. Hence, if we do not want to meet our enemies in the next life, we have to banish all traces of hatred we have for them to dissolve this astral bond.

Karma gives us what we rightfully deserve, as Cayce puts it, “You can never lose anything that really belongs to you, and you cannot keep that which belongs to someone else.” A soulmate owns his other soulmate. They are destined to be owners of themselves.

This chain, this link … this is the thread that coils the destinies of two souls that used to be one. This is the ingredient for a soul mate…

Soul Mate: The Perfect Partner
And so goes Astrologer Linda Goodman, describing soulmate as “the other half whose aura perfectly blends with yours.” One esoteric group says soul mates are “two souls who share the same blueprint of identity.”This means that they have been created by God from the same “fiber of life” to share the same pattern of soul evolution towards perfection. Thus, every man can only have one perfect soul mate who shares with him the same soul age and soul destiny.

Since soulmates emerged from the same blueprint, a powerful primitive karmic link between them exists that compels their souls to repeatedly meet in a series of incarnations that they tend to become close with each other. With this, the karmic link gathers intense momentum, making the bond so strong they perfectly complement each other in their journey towards perfecting themselves, until such a time that they can no longer live without the other.

But a human subconsciously forms many karmic links with souls other than the soul mate. From our parents to our enemies, the result is the birth of a “karmic bundle” that complicates the intertwining of the soulmates’ destinies. The two souls then could no longer progress unless these bundles of karma are settled. Thus, in that timeless existence in between earthly incarnations (the time after death and before the next rebirth), the soulmates decide to part ways to work their own karmic debts. At this moment, they vow to themselves to meet in a future lifetime. And when that time comes, no force in the universe could ever stop them from uniting once more.

This clearly demonstrates man’s free will as the most supreme and most inviolate of all. The universe is bound to obey the soulmates’ will.

And then that time comes. It could be on a forest or at a solitary island, at a night club or on a sidewalk. 
“Once upon an instant flash of love and wisdom,” the souls meet in one momentous attempt to recover what was once lost.There they are, in different bodies, of varying lifestyle and social status, but of the same souls. They unmistakably recognize one another from the very recesses of their being, for the “soul never forgets.” In a magical instant, they know they are meant for each other, that they were once one. Their relationship becomes total and complete at all levels of their existence. The encounter is so holy and mystical it carved an indelible impact to the great poets for thousands of years.

“When two souls meet, the atmosphere becomes magnetically charged. The two auras merge, forming one whole.” When one has a headache, the other gets it too. This is because the link between them is immensely packed it creates a bridge between their minds where emotions or thoughts can freely cross.

Sacred Union
And when two souls finally make love, another dimension of divinity is opened. A magical moment that is hard to explain takes place. The universe literally sings with them. Unlike the exhausting physical sex, a soulmate sex act is not only of two fleshes but a merging of two souls (the astral body) into a blessed feeling of utter oneness – this being felt to their very core.In thisastral sex, the lovers experience a very extreme and indescribable ecstasy that transcends beyond space and time! It catapults them to a higher level of spiritual consciousness no ordinary man can reach. The lovemaking is not just a gratification of carnal desires, but in itself a religious worship and a mystical experience that will forever nest within the souls’ memory.

This sacred sex as portrayed in mystic Paulo Coehlo’s book Eleven Minutes has long been a Gnostic (secret) ritual performed to open a divine path to soul perfection. With this, one would know that one’s soulmate is not only a perfect partner for a tremendous love affair but also a companion in journeying towards the Ultimate Source.

Such sacred concept soulmates are. Such also is its mistaken impression.

It’s Complicated
During that solemn episode in life with one’s soulmates, any social norm, religious custom, political differences or social convention does not and will not matter at all. No manmade law could stop them from loving all parts of their being.

Soulmates need not to be male and female, since it is not the soulmates’ physical bodies but the souls themselves who commune with each other. But due to manmade laws, many soulmates face the you-and-me-against-the-world predicament. Soulmates trapped in bodies of the same sex endure painful labels from the mainstream society. Gay and lesbian couples thus are often misunderstood.

Another age-old dilemma presents itself when a soulmate encounter happens when one or both of these soulmates are married to persons who are not their soulmates. Many soulmates meet in a given lifetime when the physical conditions are at their worst. One could already be a woman with four children, another a priest in his late forties. The result is oftentimes the theme of melodramatic novels, movies and soap operas. So if 
nothing could stop these souls from meeting, why do these conflicts occur?

The answer is as simple as the word itself: Karma. The actions we made in our past lives begin to seek us and counter-manifest in our present lifetime. A woman still has to work out her karma with his present husband who might have been her frustrated lover in a past life, or a priest must refrain from romantic love because he had had this great obsession to romance in the past. Even our present romantic relationships are part of a Greater Scheme, for no relation is ever wasted. These and all the other intricate plots pay homage to Karma’s infallible nature.

Filling the Gaps
Since soulmates meet at a moment of their choosing, it wouldn’t do us any good to search for our other-half. It is possible that we may not meet our soulmates in this lifetime. Karma would forever remind us to work out all our insecurities with others first before we can enjoy the pleasures of a soulmate encounter, without the if’s and but’s. Two soulmates will meet when the right time comes…

Finding one’s soulmate is in truth a search for a missing Half to form one’s Whole Self. It is one’s journey to finding Oneness with the Self and with the Creator. In the ultimate analysis, a search for a soulmate is a search for one’s own self.

At this very instant, you may be wondering who and where your soulmate is in the nook of this earth. Could he or she be on the other side of the globe patiently waiting for that irreplaceable meeting? Or could he just be anywhere around sharing jokes with you, strolling down Session Road, or eating with your favorite Cookies and Cream?

Your other half is there, somewhere.

Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation by Jaime T. Licauco

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