Monday, February 12, 2007


They say time heals all wounds. I’d rather say, time wounds all healings.

There came a notice to me from a long lost "friend" I considered to be "gone"— out of mine.
But the heck has driven me to near remembrance of the past.

And the other friend— he has left into me with another mind-boggling question.

Yes, Time really is powerful. But not powerful enough to succumb the restless hearts of the world. We’re all trying to find a way home. As for me, I’d lost that home. BUt pity me, I never even had that home for even a second. I was like the burglar who prowls its insides trying to, trying to, trying to…. do nothing…

How love has ripped every piece of me. And how she un-held the fragile glass that I was.
"Mend the broken crippled man. Heed to the sentiments. Cradle to my calling. Dig me deep, my forever dream."

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Instant Fame

Just last Tuesday, January 30, I received a message from Ferry saying something "incredibly incredible!" My wits began to shake as I started to find the truth. I immediately went to the Multimedia Library,, and there I’ve found out that I was the first Dean’s Lister.

To everyone’s sake, I am not boasting for that title whatsoever. It just so happened that certain circumstances flocked the then distorted scene.

And yeah, I’m DL Number 1. Enough of that. It’s just my reward for all the efforts I’ve exerted last semester. I’m now just reaping it. Thanks very much.

But to all success comes a disgrace! It’s sad to think that many or maybe some have called me incriminating tags. It has known to me that one Nursing freshman (a female) told that I was a cheater and that my blockmates too were cheaters– that’s why they’d supposed i and my block4mates landed on the List with flying colors.

But that is a clear distinction of being biased, so to speak. ‘She’ does not even have the adequate and valid evidence if such accusations did exist.

I am not a lawyer, ok? And to worsen the case, the same person added to her statement this pathetic quotation, "Mamatay na sana siya!"

If I should die, I’ll bring you and your malicious intents with me. I’ll see you in hell.
I’m revealing this article to rectify the false allegations against us. In the light of truth, we all have flaws. How much more with our block! We also do the ‘usual stuffs’ but those are not beyond limit. I know she’s guilty with it, too.

Perhaps, all rumours within the walls of Gonzaga about us might have been magnified. Miscommunication– that’s the worst that could happen to a group so bonded together. Pathetically, it’s not Block 4 members who fabricate the miscommunications. But, we won’t let that happen.

We are cleansing ourselves of all these wrong-doings and gossips. You should do the same! We should not talk ill about our fellow just because of the ‘promising’ life after the quota.
To all those who are so gullible, please be aware of the things that concern you. Let’s all be good nurses someday.

Lastly, I leave up all my heartaches here! Let’s just aim to focus on our priorities. Please respect us. And best of all, please respect yourselves.

Good luck!

Silently raging,
Marcel Lawrence Emil M. Agpasa
BSN 1-4 President